My point of view on disease

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Disease develops like a puzzle being built.  Before the picture can be seen all the pieces of the puzzle must be in place.  The picture relates to the name of the disease and the puzzle pieces are the negative thought patterns and attitudes, spiritual immaturity, wrongful living, negative eating and drinking habits leading to certain […]

Raw Juice Therapy

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Raw juice therapy is a powerful way of working with disease, but it is important that you have the right tools to optimise the healing potential of this method. There are cheap juicer models on the market (the centrifugal type) but these juicers cannot be used for healing as they waste and produce deficient and […]

Coffee Enemas

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A Coffee enema is not a high colonic – it is used to facilitate the opening of the bile ducts in order for the liver to release accumulated toxins and so cleanse itself. Medical researchers such as Profs. Meyer and Huebner at the University of Goettingen in Germany  (confirmed by Peter Lechner, MD some 70 […]

Therapeutic Reflexology

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The innate God-given bundle of energy within the human being is the healing factor in each person.  We are intended to be in good health as we are equipped with this magnificent power that works around the clock to restore homeostasis. With reflexology we intend to firmly apply pressure to the tissue of the hands […]

Trance State Therapy

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Trance State Therapy is not a replacement for medical treatment, psychological services or counselling. Through the use of a person’s mind, a sense of power, control and confidence can be gained.  In this respect the person is enabled to take responsibility and to acknowledge the power from within to transform thought into experience.  The objective […]

Nutritional Microscopic Evaluation of Live Capillary Blood

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A drop of blood is viewed under high magnification using a microscope.  The way blood behaves and the time it takes to deteriorate is taken into account.  Various blood morphologies and abnormalities can be identified providing information on the underlying five factors of the terrain that supports a healthy body.  The five factors are Ph, […]


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Sclerology pinpoints congestion, tendencies to disease, emotional/physical stress, disease processes and system pathology by viewing the whites of the eyes under magnification and light.  Red lines and other markings in the whites of the eye correspond to diseases in the body.


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Iridology is the natural science of studying and analysing the signs in the iris, that under high magnification and bright light reflects the genetically inherited pattern in constitutions, together with structural, colour and neurological changes that occur within the iris over a period of time.  These signs may indicate abnormal tissue conditions, pinpoint weakness/strength, congestion, […]