Embryonic-Reflexology is based on the development of the embryo (i.e., embryology) that was proposed by medical doctors many years ago. Simply put, most of the body is manufactured from or out of intestinal tissue and thus most of the body is also affected ‘from’ or ‘out of’ intestinal tissue.
In the uterus, the embryo consists of an intestinal sac. Out of this intestinal sac sprouts or buds develop, from which are formed, to name just a few, the Lung, Arm, Heart, Pancreas, Kidneys, Ovaries, and so on.
The nervous system connects the walls of the digestive tract to the rest of the body via countless pathways. Thus, other organs are influenced from the Intestines. Therefore, whenever the Intestines are affected, inflamed or degenerated, it could affect other remote organs that originated from that particular area in the Intestines. Dr. Jensen, in his popular book (Dr. Jensen’s Guide to Better Bowel Care), also explains that “a neural-arc reflex” occurs when a portion of the bowel is irritated by the toxins associated with static, putrefactive debris, and aberrant nerve impulses are transmitted, via nervous pathways, to a remote area (i.e., to another organ or organs) (Jensen, 1999:87).
The Intestines have less sensory nerve supply; consequently, when disease sets in, we will feel it in the other affected organs and not in the Intestines, although the Intestines were affected first. By the time the symptoms are experienced in the Intestines, it is sometimes too late.
Any organ or a few organs could be affected simultaneously! While realizing that the Intestines are affected, it is also very important to identify the primary factors responsible for affecting the Intestines.
Iridology underpins Embryonic Reflexology. Iridology is a natural science, that studies and analyses the signs in the iris which reflect the genetic, inherited patterns grouped in different constitutions of the human body. Iridology studies also detect structural, colour and neurological changes that occur within the iris over a period of time. These signs may indicate abnormal tissue conditions in the human body. Iridology enables one to detect degeneration or weak enervation within the body, in some cases even years before any disease symptoms manifest.
Iridology is an exciting pathway that lead to the Embryonic-Reflexology Connection. Iridology was discovered by Dr Ignatz Von Peczely in 1881, and Dr Niels Von Lijlequist and many others followed in his footsteps, adding to their work and who verifying the exact position for organs in the iris chart with one autopsy after another. But they could never understand why the chart was the way it seemed, until they realized that embryonic development organized the way the organs are displayed in the iris.
Thanks to iridology and the years of medical scientific evidence seen in the autopsies, I was able to convert this knowledge into understanding reflexology . Embryonic Reflexology help us see how disease builds itself, and exactly where to concentrate our reflexology work to address the first diseased organs, concentrating on opening their energy fields first. This concentration of opening the energy fields of the causal organs first may help the body to heal itself.
How can a diseased organ like the thyroid, for instance, keep its energy field open after a reflexology session, if the ten to twenty-six underlying organs are still affecting the thyroid? It would be impossible to keep the energy flow of the thyroid open. Therefore, if we open the energy flow of the underlying organs and keep it open, the thyroid may be able to keep its energy flow open and this is how the body may be enabled to heal itself. The suggested dietary changes and applied nutritional information as detailed in the Master Class in Embryonic Reflexology Connection, to benefit such underlying causal organs which may be depleted of nutrition, should also be applied with reflexology, as it also may assist the energy zones to open up and to stay open. This may also add to the body starting to be able to heal itself.
Broadly speaking, this is what differentiates Embryonic Reflexology from Regular Reflexology. It focusses on:
- enabling the reflexologist to clearly view the probabilities of underlying organs affecting distant organ energy flow,
- opening the energy zones of underlying organs affecting distant organ energy flow,
By employing Embryonic Reflexology understanding and therapy, and also directing dietary and nutritional suggestions towards the underlying causal organ affecting distant organ energy flow, Embryonic Reflexology is an advancement from Regular Reflexology. It stands on the shoulders of Regular Reflexology and can see little further, with great gratitude.
As the groundwork for my discovery, I developed two Embryonic Reflexology charts (left and right stomach, and left and right intestinal charts plus the duodenum), which equals 5 charts, that pinpoint areas in the stomach and intestinal reflexology zones that, via nerve pathways, relate to all the other organs of the body. I also developed 2 Embryonic Reflexology Body System charts to indicate how and where body systems (because of their embryonic relation to one another), affect one another. It differs from Regular Reflexology as my 7 Embryonic Reflexology charts are not copies or continuations of the known Regular Reflexology charts at all; they are a brand new discovery and a first in the world.
I developed the PEM and PEP techniques to trace the underlying pathways that organs follow to affect each other’s energy flow, thereby maybe causing disease. The Palpation Exploration Method or (PEM) is used to determine if an organ’s energy is imbalanced, which may lead to disease. This method causes certain symptoms to arise when we palpate a diseased organ (these symptoms are stated in each different organ’s section in Chapter 4 of the Master Class in Embryonic Reflexology Connection). These symptoms felt by the diseased individual are a result of the energy partially or fully opening up. This serves to prove that the organ needs its energy flow opened up in order for the body to heal itself. The effectiveness of PEM is realized after a few reflexology treatment sessions, when the diseased individual no longer feels any symptoms with palpation, because the energy zone is open and indicates that the body is enabled to heal itself.
I use my unique practical Palpation Exploration Pathway (PEP) to determine which underlying organs are affecting the energy flow of a certain organ.
This is a practical step-by-step exploration pathway to determine the possibilities of how diseases form, by one organ influencing another’s energy flow, and how body systems impact each other’s energy flow. The effectiveness of PEP is also proven later, when the diseased individual no longer feels any symptoms with palpation, because the energy zones are open, and indicates that the body is enabled to heal itself. This is when body systems aren’t influencing each other anymore and organs are in harmony … functioning in virtuous circles.
This is a new exciting tool used to find the pathways to blocked energy that cause disease and advance practical Reflexology to the next level. PEP is used in Regular Reflexology (known reflexology) and in the BHealed Embryonic Reflexology Connection (new finding).
Embryonic Reflexology teaches the exact embryonic originating point in the stomach, small and large intestine, for every organ in the body. It is written for qualified reflexologists and students of reflexology. And you would definitely like to know exactly where a certain organ originated because that might be the reason for this organ to be diseased. An ulcer in the stomach might be the reason for the left eye losing sight, and how would you not be interested in knowing that this stomach area is extremely diseased? So the focus would be placed on the stomach regarding Embryonic Reflexology therapy, dietary and nutritional suggestions, lifestyle changes and suggestions of emotional release. If you don’t have embryonic reflexology training then the stomach condition would worsen over time (the ulcer palliated each time, for instance) and then the next organ would degenerate, like the eye did, if the stomach ulcer worsened or another ulcer formed.
We, as Reflexologists, are the ones that work preventatively. And now we can really work on opening energy flow to the exact causal organs that form disease, aiding the body so that it may heal itself. Known Regular Reflexology teaches the pressure point for the eye. And we might know that the liver, kidney and pancreas are some of the organs involved with eye disease so therefore nutritional needs would also be looked at. What the advanced Embryonic Reflexology sections focusses on is, what organs may be affecting the liver, kidney and pancreas and why do we have possible nutritional shortages? Why did the person not digest their food, with an ulcer they are definitely not digesting! How can this indigestion affect the intestines? How can this contribute to a possible acid pH and how can this possibly impact the mineral metabolism in the body. – Mardeen Stoltz, www.bhealed.co.za
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