I would like to share my thinking about the relevance of diet, teeth and disease.
A high sugar and refined carbohydrate diet leads to underdevelopment of the jaw structure and the facial bones, according to Dr. Weston A. Price. This, by the way, also has an enormous impact on a person’s ability to chew food into a liquid substance, which is how it should be when swallowed. Individuals with an under-developed jaw structure also put their TM joint (temporomandibular joint) under severe strain and this can lead to serious health consequences in later years when braces have to be fitted to correct this alignment and to straighten the teeth.
Our need for braces is thus partly produced by years of consuming a high sugar and refined carbohydrate diet. We don’t connect braces with baby food but when babies are fed taste enhanced, preserved and nutritionally poor baby food at the start of their lives, this is exactly the beginning of the path leading to braces. Poor nutrition leads to cravings for sugar. The situation is exacerbated by too little water consumption, incorrect combinations of food, and taking liquids with or after food (thus diluting digestive ability). These practices deteriorate our jaw structure and teeth.
Teeth are ‘connected to’ our organs via acupuncture (Dr. Harold Ravins).
The teeth can start to shift out of their normal position and will soon be out of alignment. Teeth are tied to specific organs via acupuncture meridians. When organs become diseased, they affect the teeth they are “connected” to. And when teeth deteriorate, they also affect the already diseased organ in a vicious circle. These vicious circles need to become virtuous circles. A patient of mine had one front tooth losing its position, “climbing” over the other front tooth and within 6 weeks of eating correctly, the tooth had already pulled back over 60%, into near perfect alignment.
There is NOT one diet for all! Every person’s dietary requirements are different, and depend on the speed our bodies take to transform food into energy.
– Mardeen Stoltz